Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Go to the OUBO Permit website for information on the application process.

Go to the OUBO Plan Review website for information on documentation required for plan reviews.

Go to the OUBO Plan Review website for information plan review timelines.

To check the status of projects and building permits go to e-Builder.

You will be required to submit drawings and documents with an application immediately for review. A Stop Work order will be served and the project delayed. Continued failure to follow the requirements of the building code will result in a Notice of Violation as well as a stop work order. Violations will be reported to the University administration, DEB, and State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO).

Go to the OUBO Codes & Design Criteria website for information about code modifications.

Go to the OUBO Permit Closeout website for additional information.

Land Development Permit

Mason LD staff review site plans including ESC and SWM in accordance with the Annual Standards and Specifications. Mason’s Annual Standards and Specifications for ESC and SWM apply to all project design, construction, inspection, and maintenance activities on Mason properties. For more information visit Mason Land Development Permit.